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GHG Removal

Greenhouse gases, including not only C02 but others such as methane, nitrous oxide, and trace gases, have contributed substantially to current levels of planetary warming. 


It has been argued that, to keep global temperatures at 1.5 degrees, making extensive cuts to emissions will not be enough and that we also must actively remove harmful gases from our atmosphere. 


An array of technological and natural methods of extracting and storing carbon exist – each with its own benefits and risks. We are bringing together current and future leaders to find and implement practical methods of removing these gasses from our atmosphere.

50bn tonnes a year

Today, we collectively emit around 50 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases each year. This is more than 40% higher than emissions in 1990.

Our World in Data

Up to 20 Gigatonnes a year

Globally, scientists predict that up to 10 Gigatonnes of CO2 will need to be removed annually from the atmosphere by 2050, with increased removal capacity up to 20 Gigatonnes per year by 2100.

GHG Removal Fellows

We currently do not have any Fellows working in the GHG removal sector. 


If you are an expert in this field and would like to be considered for Fellowship please get in touch.


Click here to meet the growing CGLN fellowship.

GHG Removal Insights

GHG Removal Youth Advisory Council Member 

CGLN-youth-advisory-council-Piera Patrizio

Dr Piera Patrizio

"This sector currently lacks a market to support the deployment of these approaches. To contribute to solve the climate crisis in a meaningful way, supportive policies and governance are needed so that successful business models can emerge. At the same time establishing a framework for regulation and oversight for the ongoing audit of captured and stored carbon will be crucial in the next few years."
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