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Human innovation has revolutionised our ability to move across the planet. However, the technologies that have enabled this have contributed significantly to global emissions.
How we travel needs to change – whether it's commuting to the office or delivering goods to the other side of the world. 
We’re bringing together current and future leaders to help develop efficient transport solutions that can be deployed at scale so that we can remain globally connected without costing the earth.


Transport is responsible for about one-quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions. The sector's emissions are set to double by 2050.

-2% since 1990

Transport is the UK's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, and emissions from transport have fallen by just 2% since 1990.

Transport Fellows

Click here to meet the growing CGLN fellowship.

Joan MacNaughton

Non-Executive Director at Heathrow

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Christine Weydig

CEO of The Coalition for Reimagined Mobility 

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Professor Pam Thomas

CEO of the Faraday Institution

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Dr Richard Carmichael CPsychol, FRSA

Co-Leader of the Behaviour change in Energy and Environment Policy (‘BEEP’) Network of Excellence, Imperial College London

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Transport Youth Advisory Council Member

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"...whichever way you look at it, collaboration and coordination are key, and smart and sustainable transport is an exciting space for innovation and ingenuity across policy and behavioural approaches, technology and business."
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