Terms & Conditions
1. Interpretation
“CGLN” means The Clean Growth Leadership Network Limited; a company limited by guarantee incorporated in the United Kingdom with company no. 12409447. Registered office address: 3 Burlington Gardens, London, W1S 3EP.
CGLN is a not-for profit organisation. All profits from membership and partnership fees, sponsorship, or other income, go towards the running of company. All profits will be reinvested and re-used in pursuit of the mission and purpose of the business. Further information on CGLN’s mission and purpose can be read here.
2. Anti-Bribery and Anti-Money Laundering Policy
CGLN is committed to the prevention of all financial crime including but not limited to bribery, money laundering and the funding of terrorist activity. Through risk-based internal procedures, policies, systems and controls, CGLN strives to ensure that high standards of crime prevention and awareness are maintained by its management and staff internationally.
3. Reliance on Information and Limitation of Liability
Commentary and materials on our website are for guidance only. CGLN makes no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on the site is accurate, complete or up-to-date.
The Internet is not a completely reliable transmission medium. CGLN does not accept any liability for any data transmission errors such as data loss or damage or alteration of any kind. Errors or omissions may occur because of factors inherent in internet systems, e.g. unauthorised access or hardware, software or operator error or malfunction in data transmission.
4. Indemnity
You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless CGLN, its affiliates and licensors, and the officers, partners, employees, and agents of CGLN and its affiliates and licensors, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses, including legal fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with your access to or use of this website.
5. Membership Terms and Conditions
CGLN welcomes individuals or organisations with an interest in Clean Growth to register for membership and benefit from the Services provided by CGLN via its Website and Services administered offline.
a) Definition of a Member
A Member is the entity or individual who registers for a CGLN membership. CGLN offers the following paid for memberships; Founding Partner, Major Corporate, Small and Medium Enterprises, Micro Enterprise, Public Sector Organisations, Students, Individuals or Not for Profits and Foundations. Depending on the type of membership, the Member is eligible to list a certain number of Named Members who have personal log-in details to access the Services provided by CGLN. Membership fees and the number of Named Members vary according to the type of membership and are listed on the website.
b) Membership Services
Once registered as a Member, all Members will be provided with the following Services:
i. Access to the Membership Portal where Named Members can:
Publish insights, reports and news produced by Member organisation. This content is moderated.
Voice opinion on other Member’s content
Contribute to industry and pan-industry conversations on the Forum
•Connect to other Members on the Directory – this option needs to be switched ‘on’
ii. Ability to register and participate at events for free or reduced fee
iii. Ability to promote your events to CGLN community. The Member should host and organise the event on their own platform. CGLN will promote the event via the CGLN website, social media marketing channels and to the CGLN network
c) Founding Partner Services
All of the above listed in Membership Services, plus:
i. Named Founding Partner on the website
ii. Host one co-branded virtual webinar per year on the CGLN virtual event platform for free. CGLN will advise on suggested speakers including other Members and possible Fellows and will manage the webinar on the day. The Member is expected to organise the event but CGLN will promote the event via its social media marketing channels and to the CGLN network
iii. Be put forward as potential speakers at relevant CGLN and Partner hosted events, webinars and other events
iv. First right of refusal to Sponsorship for CGLN events – these could include think tanks, annual networking event
d) Membership Obligations and Duties
You are expected to comply with the following obligations and duties:
i. You are encouraged to make contact, share knowledge and do business with other members
ii. You will actively participate in promoting CGLN and attend events which are held at your convenience
iii. If you register for an event and wish to cancel, you must do so by contacting us at least 24 hours before the event begins, except in exceptional circumstances
iv. You may, during the term of your Membership, use the CGLN logo on websites, promotional and other material to inform the public that you are a Member of CGLN. The CGLN logo is CGLN’s intellectual property and must not be amended in any way or used in a misleading way.
We will provide you with opportunities to promote your business and engage with other members and local businesses. You will be notified in good time about upcoming events and will be sent regular updates.
We will let you know at the earliest opportunity if events have been cancelled and when appropriate will endeavour to rearrange.
e) Additional Founding Partner Requirements
We see our engagement as mutually beneficial and seek that our Founding Partners, in addition to the Membership Obligations above, are keen to:
i. Promote CGLN via brand placement on your organisation’s promotional materials i.e. website, Partner press release, social media
ii. Engage with CGLN social media to widen the network
iii. Enhance CGLN by contributing frequently to website content
f) Membership Process
To become a Member, applicants must complete all fields on the application form, including submitting a Member statement of maximum 500 words. Forms will be reviewed by a member of the CGLN team for approval. This process takes a maximum of two weeks.
Once membership is approved and you have paid the relevant annual membership charge you will be deemed a “Registered Member” and have full access to the services offered to you as a Member. Your membership shall continue for a year and will automatically renew. Fees are subject to change on an annual basis. Your membership is subject to the termination rights noted in Termination of Memberships in bullet 5h.
To add Named Members to your Membership, please contact info@cgln.earth.
g) Membership eligibility
CGLN has discretion over the selection of members. Rejected applicants have the right to appeal to one of the CGLN Founders, whose
decision is final.
h) Termination of Memberships
The term of this Agreement will begin on the date your membership is notified to you as being effective and will continue until your membership is terminated in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Termination by CGLN: CGLN may terminate your membership, with or without cause, at any time immediately upon written notice to you. CGLN will not refund any subscription fees applicable to the period after the termination date.
Termination by you: You may terminate your membership at any time by contacting CGLN to deactivate your membership in advance of your annual renewal. Memberships are non-transferable. CGLN will not refund any subscription fees applicable to the period after the termination date.
i) Post-Termination Consequences
From the termination date, you must remove all links, references and referrals to CGLN from your premises, marketing materials or website.
Unless specifically requested in writing, CGLN will not remove content in any form that you have provided to the Website or Membership Portal following the termination of your membership. Content will remain on the website appearing as published by a ‘Past Member’.
6. Website Terms and Conditions
a) Linked Websites
This site may be linked to third party websites or contain information provided by third parties. CGLN does not make any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such websites or information, has not and will not review or update such websites or information, and cautions browsers that any use made of such websites or information is at their own risk. CGLN does not accept any liability arising out of the information contained on any linked website or information on this site provided by a third party and the use of such sites and information is at your own risk.
b) Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The information on this site is directed only at persons or entities in any jurisdiction or country where such access to information contained on this site and use of such information is not contrary to local law or regulation. It is your sole responsibility to be aware of and to observe all laws and regulations applicable to you in your country of residence and in any other country the laws of which are capable of affecting you. The agreement between CGLN and you relating to your access to and use of the websites is subject to English law.
c) Copyright
Use of the website and its content does not transfer or otherwise grant to any user any right or interest in CGLN’s intellectual property rights or any intellectual property rights owned by a third party.
The majority of information and images published on the site are with the permission of the relevant third party copyright owners. All rights are reserved on these documents and permission to copy them must be requested from the copyright owners (the sources are indicated within these posts).
Unless indicated otherwise, all information and images are the property of CGLN, and the contents are subject to copyright with all rights reserved. Reproduction of all or part of the website (for any purpose other than described below) or copying, editing or alteration of its contents is not permitted.
Users of the website may print, copy, download or temporarily store information from this website for personal use but all intellectual and other property information shall remain the property of CGLN and no rights in it shall be transferred to users.
You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (by electronic means or otherwise), modify, link into or use for any public or commercial purpose the website without the prior written permission of CGLN. For approval please contact us at info@cgln.earth
d) Uploading of content to the Website
If you upload any content to our site including content used to make contact with other users, you must comply with these terms and conditions, and the content standards below.
Any communication or material (research, report or policy) that you supply, or post on, any public or members-only area of the website including data, questions, comments, suggestions, will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary information.
We will not be responsible, or liable to any third party, for the content or accuracy of any communication or materials posted by you or any other users of the website.
We have the right to remove any material or posting you make on our website if, in our opinion, the material does not comply with the content standards or our terms and conditions.
Whilst members can comment on posts, start and comment on a forum topic instantly, a member is required to submit new posts (research, report, policy, news – text, video or podcast) via a CGLN moderator. CGLN can take 5 working days to review your content.
e) Content standards
These content standards apply to all material and communication which you upload or are uploaded by CGLN on your behalf to our website viewed either by the public or in the members-only area.
Communications must:
Be accurate
Be genuinely held
Comply with applicable law in the UK and in any country in which they are posted
Communications must not:
Be defamatory of any person or organisation
Contain material which is offensive
Breach any legal duty owed to a third party, such as contractual duty
Infringe copyright or trademark
Be used to misrepresent your identity
Promote illegal activity
Promote sexually explicit material, violence or discrimination
Communications can:
Link to your own company website once per post